30 January 2024

Zoöp Model Gaining Momentum in Media

By Nena Nilou

We're thrilled to see the Zoöp Model gaining significant attention in the press, reinforcing the growing momentum of our regenerative movement! Recent features in leading Dutch newspapers de Volkskrant and Het Parool shed light on De Ceuvel, a vibrant hub in Amsterdam North now practicing the Zoöp organisational model.

In the article in Het Parool, Anke Wijnja, board member of De Ceuvel, explains that being a Zoöperation means they aspire to have a more equitable coexistence with non-human life, including animals, plants, earth, water, and air. In the Zoöp model, non-human life is represented in the board by a human. Wijnja: "We want to discover what lives and grows in our urban oasis. It's not so much about the name of a plant but more about an encounter. Knowing why something is there, what it needs, who it lives with. We want to share that knowledge with the rest of the city. A city contains so much more life than you and I". 

This media spotlight is not just about celebrating milestones but acknowledging a collective commitment to building a regenerative society. We're grateful for the support and eager to see the Zoöp movement inspire more organisations to join us. Stay tuned for more exciting developments as our movement gains traction! 

Want to know more about Zoöp? Join our online Q&A, free of charge, on the 29th of August.

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